vineri, 12 septembrie 2008

Ubuntu - Installing wireless Broadcom drivers

The basic ideea is that a lot of us have problems with our Broadcom drivers, which appear in a lot of laptop models. I have an Acer TravelMate 5320 (with Ubuntu 8.04.1 aka Hardy Heron), and by testing a lot of tutorials, which ate about a week of my life, I managed to find a somewhat easier way to install the drives. Ok, now, let's take it step by step:

Step 1:
Go to your System->Administration->Synaptic package manager
Insert your sistem password, then go to the Settings->Repositories

Check all the blanks there, so you can get full software support
Then go to the Updates tab and also check all the boxes
Now just click Close
Your computer will update now.
Just restart.

Step 3:
Now we have to install a little software called Ndiswrapper
First open System->Administration->Hardware drivers
There should appear your wireless board. Be sure it's unchecked
Go Applications->Add/Remove and search Ndiswrapper and install it
Go System->Administration->Ndiswrapper
Install new hardware and just select the location of your Windows Driver (cd or location on your PC)

And that's it. Just reboot your computer one more time and search for the wireless network you want to use. Go luck, and don't hesitate to message me if you have trouble.

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